Traditional Crafts - The Weavers and Kippot Makers
Some members of the community support themselves and their families by making items that we sell in our shop. They make Tallitot (prayer shawls) for both men and women, Kippot and scarves in Ethiopian designs.
Our weavers make Tallitot in many colours and designs, both for stock and to order. They also weave shawls and blankets to sell in Gondar Market.
There are many members of the community that crochet Kippot for Meketa. Crocheting is an enjoyable social activity for mothers to do while keeping an eye on their small children, and provides useful income to their families.
Our kippot and tallitot are often ordered as gifts for Bar/Bat Mitzvah and wedding celebrations. Elliana, who ordered kippot for her Bat Mitzvah celebration, says:
I guess it all started when my Mum and I were discussing ordering kippot for my Bat Mitzvah. She had slaved away, scrolling through endless websites in search for the perfect kippot, until finally (drumroll please), in the whirlwind of Bat Mitzvah preparation and glitter, she bumped into a random lady. This woman was raving about her amazing kippot that had just been delivered all the way from Ethiopia. The charity was called Meketa, and she continued to gush about how they were handmade in a Jewish village called Gondar. This interested us, as it tied in with one of my ancestors, who came from Ethiopia, or so I’ve been told. As I listened to her, I realized what an amazing idea this was, and decided to check out the website. Long story short, by the end of the day, I was as hung up about it as her.

A weaver conferring with Ambanesh, our field manager.

Crocheting a Kippah - made in Ethiopia, sold by Meketa!

Wearing the Bat Mitzvah tallit

Ellianna's kippah.