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To help those with limited employment opportunites, Meketa provides training and microloans at zero interest rates to adults who want to start or expand a business.


The programme is operated in conjunction with the Gondar Town Small and Micro-Enterprise Office (SMEO).  Applicants submit a business idea explaining what they want to do, and then undertake a five day training course given jointly with the SMEO.


Those that pass the course examination are offered help to compile a business plan and subsequently they receive a loan. 


Our field workers provide the beneficiaries with training and continuous support to ensure they can make the most of the opportunity.  Since 2015 we have helped dozens to establish successful businesses and improve their standard of living.

cafe owner

An early Micro-Enterprise beneficiary at her roadside cafe

shop with its owners

One of our first Micro-Enterprise beneficiaries opened a shop in 2015. She sells tea, bread, chilli powder and powdered shiro (spicy chickpea mix). 


Can provide training & a loan to start a new business

....more micro-enterprise success stories

market trader selling vegetables

This lady works with her daughter to run a roadside stall, selling vegetables and also seeds for farmers

market trader outside his home

One of our first micro-enterprise beneficiaries, this couple set up a market stall and support their family of four children from the business

baking injera on a stove

This lady received a loan to expand her injera baking business, which allows her to sell around 50 injera a day to neighbours and students. 

The Blue Nile Falls.jpg

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Phone: +44 (0)7526 189352


21 Richmond Road 

Oxford, OX1 2JL

United Kingdom

UK Registered Charity No. 1169130

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