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The Shop

Please support our work by buying from the Meketa Shop.  We sell  Tallitot, Kippot, Tallit Bags, Havdala Bags, Note Cards, Books and  Mezuzah Cases.  They are made by members of the community and the proceeds of the sale help support their families. 


To place an order, click on the "Order Now" button near each item.  Please list the items that you would like on the e-mail form that appears and we will let you know what we have in stock at the moment.



Each Tallit is woven from cotton by weavers in the Jewish Community on a traditional foot loom provided by the Meketa Livelihood Project.  The pictures are examples of designs and colours.  


The larger tallitot come with the traditional pattern of single colour stripes (blue, green, red, silver, black or  purple) on a white background, or in multi colours, including a rainbow pattern (numbers 5 and 6, for example)


It is possible to order a custom made tallit with colours of your choice. The styles and colours shown for the smaller tallitot can be requested in a larger size, and vice versa.


However, our current stock varies, so that not all designs are immediately available. The time taken to re-stock is influenced by whether people are travelling to Ethiopia currently and other pressures on availability of materials.


Therefore please allow time when ordering a custom made tallit.

Large Size Tallitot    £70
purple tallit


red tallit


Turquoise and Purple Tallit


Silver Tallit


multi-coloured tallit


tallit 6.jpg


tallit 7.png




Green Tallit


Navy Tallit


Blue and White Tallit


tallit 12.jpg


Small Size Tallitot £55

Tallit collection
Purple and gold tallit


blue and silver tallit


Pink and silver tallit


blue and orange tallit


pink and purple tallit


red and grey tallit


blue checked tallit


multi-coloured tallit


Kippot  £7.50


Each kippah is hand-crocheted by members of the Zera Israel community.  A variety of designs are kept in stock and may vary from the designs in the photo. Custom colours and patterns are available on request with advanced notice.  Kippot can also be personalised on larger orders for your special Simcha.   Discounts are available on  bulk orders.

assorted kippot
various kippot

Other Items 

Tallit Bags £15.00
Havdalah Bags   £7.50
Tallit Bags and Scarves
tallit bags
havdalah bags.PNG

The tallit bags are handwoven in Ethiopia by Jewish weavers, and hand-stitched in the UK.  Stocks vary, so please enquire for our latest range.

The havdalah bags are handwoven in Ethiopia by Jewish weavers, and hand-stitched in the UK and filled with cloves and other spices for use at Havdalah.

Mezuzah Cases  £15
Ethiopian Mezuzah cases

Each mezuzah case is made from fabric handwoven in various colours by men in the Jewish community in Gondar. 

A Pack of Five Note Cards  £5
Two booklets about the Zera Israel  £5
Notecards and Books
Note Cards

Cards have  pictures of people in the community  and activities in their daily lives.  One pack of cards contains 5 different pictures. 

Books about Ethiopian Jews

Selam Habtamu is about a boy growing up in Gondar.   Shalom Getu  is about a boy from Gondar settling into life in Israel. For children aged  7-12. 

The Blue Nile Falls.jpg

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Phone: +44 (0)7526 189352


21 Richmond Road 

Oxford, OX1 2JL

United Kingdom

UK Registered Charity No. 1169130

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