How to help
Our work would not be possible without the help of our supporters and volunteers. Each and every gift goes directly to help fund our projects in Ethiopia. Our trustees, and volunteers in the UK, receive no remuneration.

Feeds a vulnerable family for a month
Provides a microloan to start a small business
Covers a month's supply of materials for the After School Club
Covers the salary of a field worker for 2 months
Please help us to continue our work. All donations go directly to fund our projects to help the community.
You can support our work in any of the following ways:
Donate via People's Fundraising
Donate via PayPal
Set up a regular payment via Direct Debit
Send a cheque payable to 'Meketa' to: Meketa, 21 Richmond Road, Oxford, OX1 2JL
Donate by bank transfer - request our bank details

You can increase your donation by 25% through gift aid. Gift Aid is reclaimed by Meketa from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer, so please fill out and submit the form below if you are eligible.